
Our driving forces are cooperation, partnership and collaboration:

- Long-term and responsible cooperation with clients in resolving their business requirements and challenges.
- Partnership with selected world renowned IT solutions providers and technology producers.
- Team work and collaboration within and outside the company, along with constant unique know-how and skills development and transfer.

SBS - Ready for the future

Since its founding, SBS is devoted solely to matters related to information technology to the development of unique competencies in the field of professional services.

Serbian Business Systems

Longterm nad responsible cooperation with our clients in handling their business requests and chalenges.

IT solutions & services

Today, SBS has a highly professional and experienced team of experts, who regularly upgrade their certificates and education in European and USA educational centers.

Education Center

SBS Education Center provides authorized training in the design, installation, administration, management and maintenance of IBM technology, hardware and software.

Contact us

Beogradska 39, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia tel: 381 11 3302 500 fax: 381 11 3232 655 contact@sbs.rs

Our partners

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